.. _pyboard_tutorial: MicroPython针对pyboard的教程 ==================================== This tutorial is intended to get you started with your pyboard. All you need is a pyboard and a micro-USB cable to connect it to your PC. If it is your first time, it is recommended to follow the tutorial through in the order below. 这份教程的意义是让你更好的开始学习pyboard之旅。你需要的仅仅是1个pyboard和 1条microUSB数据线用来连接到你的电脑。如果这是你的第一次学习,推荐你看下面的目录。 .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: intro.rst script.rst repl.rst leds.rst switch.rst accel.rst reset.rst usb_mouse.rst timer.rst assembler.rst power_ctrl.rst Tutorials requiring extra components(教程需要的其他元器件) ------------------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: servo.rst fading_led.rst lcd_skin.rst amp_skin.rst lcd160cr_skin.rst Tips, tricks and useful things to know(你必须知道的贴士,技巧和有用的信息。) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :numbered: debounce.rst pass_through.rst